Harlingen, TX, November 27
Harlingen Family Dentistry Teams with Harlingen CISD Parental Involvement/Dropout Prevention Program 30th Annual District-Wide Conference at Texas State Technical College.
Harlingen Family Dentistry had an informational booth. Mascot Willy Walrus was there to encourage parents and children as to the importance of oral health and how to keep our teeth.
Nineteen speakers presented such topics included simply “Why Parents Are *Important,” “Attendance Matters” and “E-Cigarettes.”
“We have four sessions going on and they can select from different topics,” said Jose Luis Cavazos, director for Harlingen CISD Parental Involvement/Dropout Prevention Programs.
“The purpose is we want to empower parents,” Cavazos said. “We want to make sure parents are informed and they’re up to date with anything that has to do with the education system in Texas.”
Harlingen, TX, November 19
DATS Graduating Class of Fall 2019
The DATS Graduating Class of Fall 2019 celebrated with their friends and families this past Tuesday as they received their certificates as Certified Dental Assistants in the state of Texas. The event was held at Harlingen Family Dentistry.
Cheryl Dosal, program director, welcomed the graduates and guests and introduced Dr. Juan D. Villarreal, CEO and Founder of Harlingen Family Dentistry. Dr. Villarreal stated that dentistry is constantly evolving with new technology and dental providers are constantly learning in order to provide the most-up-to date dental care for their patients. He emphasized to never stop learning and to keep challenging yourself as you might surprise yourself.
Dr. Vivian Teegardin, program instructor, commended the group and encouraged them to become familiar with the various specialties within dentistry and to move forward with their dental assisting careers. Dr. Teegardin stated how wonderful of a class they were and encouraged the students to chase their dreams as they will always have her as a mentor.

Harlingen, TX, November 11
Dr. Juan D. Villarreal spoke at Veterans’ Day ceremonies at Rio Hondo High School and Harlingen High School.
At Harlingen High, he was recognized with the JROTC Appreciation Award for his military service and his outstanding commitment to the JROTC cadets and the Harlingen JROTC Program.
Harlingen, TX, July 28, 2019
Harlingen, TX, June, 2019
Harlingen Family Dentistry along with sister offices in Brownsville, Weslaco, Edinburg and Weslaco participated in the Tropical Texas Behavioral Health Fairs that were presented in their Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg and Weslaco sites.
These events took place throughout the month of June, 2019. Harlingen Family Dentistry staff provided oral health care kits to the staff at the Tropical Texas Behavioral Health Harlingen Center. Many new friends were made; concerns and questions were answered by the Harlingen and Family Dentistry sister offices staffs.
It was great opportunity to inform the participants about the new innovations in dentistry and the role dental health plays in the overall total health of us all by Harlingen Family Dentistry and their sister offices.
Call the Harlingen Family Dentistry office and be referred to the location of your choice.
956-428-5322 for your appointment.
Harlingen, TX, June 11, 2019

Harlingen, TX, June 3, 2019
Dr. Juan D. Villarreal inducted into the Rotary Club of Harlingen’s 2019 Walk of Fame.
The Walk of Fame is a celebration of the citizens of Harlingen, their life achievements, significant civic contributions and their impact on our community. The Harlingen Walk of Fame was unveiled April 15, 2010, as part of the Harlingen Centennial Celebration and is permanently displayed at the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium in Fair Park. Each year new inductees will be inscribed on the Walk of Fame. This year, Harlingen Family Dentistry’s Founder Dr. Juan D. Villarreal was inducted.
The Rotary Club stated:
“Dr. Villarreal has made a difference not only in Harlingen but across the state and nation by providing youth scholarships, Harlingen High School and Harlingen High School South Healthcare scholarships, JROTC scholarships, TSTC Dental Hygiene Scholarships and scholarships for dental students. He is a sponsor for the Harlingen Chamber Youth Leadership Program. Dr. Villarreal served on the Harlingen CISD Board of Trustee as a member, vice president and president. He has served in the US Army, Texas State Board of Dental Examiners as secretary, chair of the ad HOC Committee on Examinations, and the Enforcement Committee. He additionally was an examiner for the Western Regional Dental Examining Board, the Northeastern Examining Board. He served on the Harlingen Economic Development Board as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. He also served on the Wells Fargo Advisory Board and served as President of the Hispanic Dental Association. He is a “Fellow” in the Academy of General Dentistry.
“Dr. Juan D. Villarreal opened his dental practice in Harlingen in 1983 He is the CEO and Founder of Harlingen Family Dentistry and offices in Austin, Brownsville, Edinburg, McAllen, Raymondville and Weslaco, and continues his practice of dentistry serving the community until the present.”
Harlingen, TX, May 14, 2019
Harlingen Family Dentistry representative Gail Thomason presented a program to the science department students and teachers at Cano Academy in Harlingen, Texas, May 14, 2019. The presentation consisted of a power point with an overview of Dental Health Careers and the education needed to complete them. New developments in dentistry were discussed along with the impact oral health has on the total health and well-being of individuals.
We appreciate Carlos Castenada, College and Career Counselor, for inviting us.
Harlingen Family Dentistry makes a difference in the community. If your organization, school or business would like a presentation, call Harlingen Family Dentistry-956-428-5322.

Harlingen, TX, May 10, 2019
DATS: Rio Grande Valley Dental Assistant Training School Graduation Spring 2019
Family and friends joined the DATS graduates at their commencement ceremony held at Harlingen Family Dentistry. Cheryl Dosal, DATS Director, welcomed the graduates and guests. Dr. Vivian Teegardin gave a brief overview of the class.
Dr. Glenn Thomason presented the Commencement Address. He acknowledged the graduates for their competition of the program and told them to keep in mind four things in order to be happy and successful in whatever they do: Don’t judge, Be kind, Come early, Know your business. He used the visual aid of a Native American Dream Catcher which catches the qualities of faith, determination and a positive attitude as the basis for a foundation of success in life.
A reception was held following the presentation of certificates.
Harlingen Family Dentistry is proud to provide the DATS class to those individuals wishing to enter the dental field. Upon completing the course, the graduates become Registered Dental Assistants in Texas after passing the Texas State Board dental assisting certification exam.
The DATS two month, two nights a week course offers the opportunity to those who work during the day, to experience another option for their careers.
Call Cheryl, DATS Director, for the next course dates at Harlingen Family Dentistry. 956-428-5322

Harlingen, TX, April 15, 2019
Rio Grande Valley JROTC High School Students Win Top Awards at the 12th Annual Way to Happiness Scholarship Competition
Harlingen Family Dentistry hosted its 12th annual values-based Scholarship Competition. Students were acknowledged and awarded for their community projects that incorporated one or more of The Way to Happiness precepts and one or more of the JROTC Core Values.
Students are required to present a portfolio summation of results achieved in their implementing of “the Way to Happiness” precepts and the JROTC Core Values. In addition, each student presented an oral and visual presentation to the judges with project documentation.
Schools from across the Rio Grande Valley participated in the contest. The three winners will share $6,000 in scholarships when they register in an institution of higher learning of their choice.
The 2018 First Place Winner, $3,000.00 scholarship award:
Angelika Gaure, Harlingen High School, Instructor, MSG Tony Gonzalez
Project: THE RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE-Her JROTC team had a Pull Tab collection, cleaned and organized the facility and made friends with the children.
The Second Place Winner, $2,000.00 scholarship award: Stephanie Cantu, San Benito High School JROTC, Instructor Captain Nels Swanson
Stephanie presented her program on the Motor Activity Training Program at the Special Olympics for Children.
Third Place Winner, $1,000.00:Ethan Rogers, Edinburg North High School, Instructor LTC James Trolia
Project-DOMINICAN REPUBLIC SERVICE TRIP BUILDING HOUSES. Ethan learned how to build houses using plastic bottles and chicken wire and plaster. As they built the houses, Ethan and his team taught the local residents.
Runners-up winners: $100.00
Juan Castro-Rio Hondo High School, LTC Clifford Moriary Project-BULLYING AND SCHOOL VIOLENCE
Elijah Maldonado, Harlingen High School South, Instructor MSG Armando Tsukano-Project-PERSONAL LESSONS LEARNED
Jocelyn Garcia, Veteran’s Memorial High School Brownsville, Instructor 1st Sgt. Christine Ramos Project-MENTORING CHILDREN OF ALL AGES FROM BROKEN HOMES
Jimmy Gonzalez-San Benito High School, Instructor Captain Nels Swanson-Project-TREASURE HILLS CANNED FOOD DRIVE
LTG Ricardo Sanchez (Ret.), CEO Optech Enterprise Solutions
Dr. Kirstina Stillsmoking, Major US Army retired, director UTRGU Simulation Center Hospital School of Medicine, retired
Captain Michael Roberson, US Army company commander, Rio Grande Recruiting Company Unit
Esteban Mejia, Master Sergeant, US Air Force Reserves, Serving as 1st SGT. for the 433 Logistics Support, Owner Sky IT Solutions
Serafin Padron Manager Walgreens Tyler
Nemecio Lopez-Attorney
Al Garcia, SGT US Army Combat Journalist, (Ret.) Published Author
Judy Emsley-Judge and Portfolio Judge, retired administrator for Harlingen CISD, Rotarian
Ozdy Campos, SSG Sgt. US Army- timekeeper
Jesus Gaeta, SSG US Army- timekeeper assistant
Janie Sandoval, Tabulator, RGV Credit Union Manager
Portfolio Judge: Judy Emsley, Retired Harlingen High School South Facilitator, Rotarian
Competition Director, Gail Thomason
Sponsor, Dr. Juan D. Villarreal, DDS
Lunch sponsored by Chick-fil-A

Harlingen, TX, March 22, 2019

Weslaco, TX, March 20, 2019
March is National Kidney Month
Weslaco Family Dentistry and Harlingen Family Dentistry joined with Knapp Medical Center’s health fair, “Kidney Care” by providing important information regarding the link with Kidney Disease and Oral Health. Kidney Disease can lead to bad breath, dry mouth, inflammation in the salivary glands and even gum disease.
The buildup of bacteria in the mouth weakens the immune system, making the patient prone to additional oral health dangers.
Having regular checkups and cleanings and exams help avoid dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay. This especially important if you suffer from Kidney disease.
Call Harlingen Family Dentistry for your and your family’s checkups and cleanings. 956-428-5322

Weslaco, TX, March 6, 2019
Harlingen Family Dentistry and Weslaco Family Dentistry staff presented, “Careers in Dentistry”, to the Cleckler-Heald PK and 3rd grade students on March 6, 2019.
To begin, the children were dressed in the profession of their choice and paraded all around the school hallways. Then the presenters were asked to parade around the school hallways and were applauded by all the children sitting outside their classrooms.
What a joy to be greeted by all those smiling faces!
The children were very well behaved and were interested in the dental field.
Congratulations to principal Monica Vanderveer, teachers, staff and children for a very rewarding time spent at Cleckler-Heald Elementary School Career Fair in Weslaco, Texas, on March 6, 2019.
Harlingen, TX, March 6, 2019
McAllen Dental Care and the Harlingen Family Dentistry staff teamed up to present a career fair to 9th and 10th grade students and teachers at Rowe High School in McAllen Texas.
The students not only learned what education is needed to become a dentist, hygienist, dental assistant and lab tech., they also learned the huge importance of oral health and the role it has in our total health and well being6

Harlingen, TX, February 24, 2019
Willy Walrus Visits Calvary Christian School
Willy presented his dental education program to the first and second graders. They were informed about the facts about plaque and how to keep the monster plaque from attacking their teeth. Proper nutrition and brushing was taught as well as the correct way to brush and floss was demonstrated.
The children were reminded to brush 2 times a day and floss once before going to bed. Keeping up dental checkups twice a year along with dental cleanings will keep smiles healthy and happy.
The children were attentive and asked great questions.

Harlingen, TX, February 22, 2019
Fred Booth Elementary School Welcomes Willy Walrus and the Harlingen Family Dentistry Team
Willy presented his dental education program in the Fred Booth library. It was a place of wonderment. Willy felt like he was in a forest.
The children were attentive and asked great questions.
Willy wants to come again to inspire the children to take care of their oral health and keep up their dental visits twice a year.

Harlingen, TX, February 20, 2019
The Harlingen High School JROTC under the direction of MSG Tony Gonzales presented an overview of their program along with their stellar accomplishments.
The students were entirely in command of the Rotary Club membership. Their military stance and professional presentation is an acknowledgment of the great leadership of MSG Gonzales.
Harlingen Family Dentistry is proud to present their 12th annual JROTC Way to Happiness JROTC Scholarship Competition where students describe their community projects that implement one or more of their core values and one or more of the Way to Happiness precepts.
Over $6,000.00 scholarship awards are presented to the top three winners to further their education and runners-up winners from JROTC High Schools across the Rio Grande Valley.
This year’s competition will be held April 4th at Harlingen Family Dentistry with LTG Ricardo Sanchez the lead judge along with a judging panel composed of military and business leaders.
Great job!

Harlingen, TX, February 18, 2019
Harlingen Family Dentistry celebrated National Children’s Dental Health Month at Wilson Elementary School and Oscar De La Fuente Elementary School with the United Way of Northern Cameron County Pop Star Reading Program. The children were told that oral health is their health.
Proper brushing and flossing were demonstrated by Willy Walrus, Harlingen Family Dentistry mascot and Gail Thomason, Harlingen Family Dentistry community outreach director.
A fun-filled interactive skit to reinforce how sugar and plaque interact with the teeth and gums was role played by the children.
Gail read the book Clark the Shark Tooth Trouble by Bruce Hale. The children were given toothbrushes and instructional coloring books and a book to take home.
The Pop Star Reading Program is a great and valuable program headed by Kathy Preddy and Jessica Belschner of the United Way of Northern Cameron County.
Wilson Elementary School

Oscar De La Fuente Elementary School

Harlingen, TX, February 9, 2019
The Junior League of Harlingen sponsored a Kidfit and Fun Run for children, February 9, 2019.
It was originally to be held at Lon C. Hill Park. However, due to inclement weather was moved to Harlingen High School South. This location proved to be outstanding.
Vendors from various medical, dental offices, restaurants, therapy and various other vendors provided goodies and fun exercise games.
The children and parents were led in all kinds of kid-friendly exercises including Yoga.
The Harlingen High School and Harlingen High School South bands entertained with great music, dance schools and school dance teams also provided excellent entertainment.
A great day of inspiration for getting and keeping fit and healthy.
Harlingen, TX, February 8, 2019
Willy and team spent the morning at Travis Elementary School with the Kinder, First and Second graders. The children were attentive and asked lots of smart questions. We did see a lot of silver fillings. Hopefully, the children now know how cavities happen and why we don’t’ want any more.
The children role played sugar and plaque and the process of making a cavity, and how to brush and floss.
A grand time was held by all. We thank Nurse Lupita Pena, RN, for inviting us.
Call Harlingen Family Dentistry for appointments and for a Willy visit for your school.
956-428-5322 We take care of all ages.

Harlingen, TX, January 31, 2019
Willy Walrus and the Harlingen Family Dentistry team visited Sam Houston Elementary School and met some wonderful children. We had a grand time discussing how to keep our teeth happy and healthy.
Videos were shown that stressed the importance of our oral health and its effect on our total health in a fun manner.
The children participated in an interactive skit along with Willy on what happens to our teeth when sugar foods are eaten.
We love teaching children about their oral health.
Call Harlingen Family Dentistry if your school, club or church would like a Willy Visit. 956-428-5322. Ext. 134